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    Are You Ready to Self-Manage Your Career?

    Are you ready to own your career – to work happier – not harder? We invite you to take Skiilify’s FREE “readiness test” on This quick assessment will give you a dashboard on your READINESS to manage your own career development.

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    Understand the "IKEA Effect" for Better Career Choices

    The IKEA effect is the cognitive bias that causes people to place a disproportionately high value on objects they partially created. Understanding this can help you in your career.

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    How to Make a Positive Impression at an Office Party

    For some, “office party” seems like an oxymoron. In some cases, this might be true. But for many, you CAN balance both “work” and “fun” in the same event.

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    How to Stop Ghosting in the Workplace

    The essence of ghosting lies in the avoidance of confrontation. It's a growing practice, often stemming from a desire to sidestep conflict or discomfort. However, addressing this trend requires introspection and action.

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    Building Optimism to Increase Resilience

    Optimism and self-fulfilling prophecy are embedded in our resilience, affecting how willing we are to get out of our comfort zones to grow. If you are a coach or leader, you have observed what I have: optimism, self-fulfilling prophecy, and resilience can accelerate success.