Thriving International Students: A Guide for University Administrators

As all university leaders know, the academic journey of international students is often burdened with challenges beyond just their grades. Cultural differences, feelings of social isolation, and unfamiliarity with the U.S. educational system can lead to stress and anxiety, significantly impacting their academic performance.  

Research shows that international students who adapt well to their host country environment are more likely to succeed academically, feel a sense of belonging, and graduate. In contrast, the failure to adapt creates deep personal, financial, and educational problems for international students.     

The personal, financial, and educational costs are high for maladjusted international students.  Likewise, there are costs for their institutions too. Do any of these apply to your university? 

  • Retention Costs: Estimates1 suggest that each student who drops out costs a university anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000 in lost tuition and fees, depending on the program and the length of study remaining. This adds up quickly.   

  • Counseling Costs: Maladjusted students often require extensive support from counseling services, academic advisors, and faculty. On average, universities spend approximately $1,000 to $5,700 per student on advising2 services. When students struggle to adjust, these costs can increase dramatically and include strain on counseling services.  

  • Behavioral Costs: International students, unfamiliar with local social norms, are at risk of engaging in behaviors that can lead to academic or disciplinary consequences.  Misunderstandings about what constitutes harassment or cheating, for instance, can result in suspension or expulsion.  

  • Social Costs: Misunderstanding social norms can cause awkward interactions with peers or faculty. These, starting out as benign, can lead to distancing behavior by domestic students that can negatively affect campus culture and exacerbate international students’ social isolation. 

These top four costs add up.   

With minimal effort and resources, universities can take a proactive measure by using an online tailored training and development tool: myGiide.  

myGiide can help students navigate the complexities of life in the U.S. From understanding social norms to mastering academic expectations, these resources are tailored to address the unique challenges faced by international students. Here are a few benefits: 

  • Accessibility: Students can access training anytime, anywhere, allowing them to learn at their own pace. 

  • Tailored Advice: Tailored content ensures that the information is relevant and respectful of students' diverse backgrounds. 

  • Scalability: Universities can offer the same high-quality training to all international students, regardless of the size of their cohort. 

  • Measurable Impact: Progress can be tracked, providing insights into how well students are developing their competencies needed for adaptation – and flagging where additional support may be needed. 

By investing in online training programs like myGiide, universities can proactively address the challenges that international students face, reducing the time and cost associated with reactive measures like counseling and academic interventions.  

Helping international students adjust can ultimately improve their retention, academic, and social success, while also reducing the financial burden of student attrition, easing the demand on counseling services, and minimizing the risks associated with cultural misunderstandings. It's a win-win for both students and the universities. 


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