Build the Soft Skills You Need for an AI-Driven Future
Paula Caligiuri Paula Caligiuri

Build the Soft Skills You Need for an AI-Driven Future

As artificial intelligence (AI) changes how we work, it's not just technical skills that matter anymore. While automation can handle many tasks, the future will belong to those who can combine their tech expertise with key soft skills. If you want to stay ahead in this AI-driven world, mastering self-management and relationship-management skills is essential. 

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Crisis? What Crisis? How to Keep Your Cool and Your Team Connected During a Meltdown 
Paula Caligiuri Paula Caligiuri

Crisis? What Crisis? How to Keep Your Cool and Your Team Connected During a Meltdown 

When a crisis hits, keeping your cool as a leader is important. It is equally important for leaders to make sure their team does the same, staying cool, connected, and cohesive. Every team member will respond to stress differently, and understanding these differences can be the key to leading your team through turbulent times. Whether the crisis is external, like an industry shift, or internal, like a major project breakdown, the ability to navigate tension effectively is an invaluable leadership skill. Leaders need to know (ideally before a crisis) how team members will respond in moments of high pressure. At Skiilify, we prepare leaders with three key insights on their team that will affect how they respond to stress: resilience, tolerance of ambiguity, and communication styles. 

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Help Your Students Build Cross-Cultural Competencies in as Little as One Hour 
Paula Caligiuri Paula Caligiuri

Help Your Students Build Cross-Cultural Competencies in as Little as One Hour 

In today's interconnected world, cultural agility—the ability to interact comfortably and effectively with people from different cultures, whether virtually or in person—has become a crucial skill. However, research indicates that only about 20% of students possess this essential capability. This gap presents a significant challenge for educators preparing students to thrive in a globalized environment. Students who are culturally agile have adaptability (named by LinkedIn as one of the most in-demand skills) and are better equipped to communicate, collaborate, and build meaningful relationships with individuals from diverse backgrounds. These skills are not only vital for personal development but also highly valued by employers seeking to build inclusive and effective teams.

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Fostering Soft Skills for a Challenging Future 
Paula Caligiuri Paula Caligiuri

Fostering Soft Skills for a Challenging Future 

Soft skills are pivotal for success in a complex, fast-paced, and ever-changing work world. To ready the workforce for the changes to come, leaders need to equip their team members with a new set of soft skills required for adaptability. These soft skills are resilience, relationship-building, humility, perspective-taking, curiosity, and tolerance of ambiguity. Remember, it’s important to respect individual boundaries and work within everyone’s stretch zone. Each person’s journey is unique, and it’s essential to understand that one person’s stretch zone might be to much for another. By leveraging Skiilify’s myGiide, we can provide the tailored tools and support each team member build the soft skills needed for a complex, volatile, ambiguous, and uncertain world, ensuring they achieve their fullest potential.

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The Difference Between Cultural Intelligence and Cultural Agility
Paula Caligiuri Paula Caligiuri

The Difference Between Cultural Intelligence and Cultural Agility

David Thomas and his colleagues describe CQ as the ability to adapt effectively to new cultural environments. It means understanding cultural differences and acting in a way that fits those differences.Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.

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The Importance of Cultural Agility in Leadership
Paula Caligiuri Paula Caligiuri

The Importance of Cultural Agility in Leadership

In today’s world, leaders need to be able to navigate different cultures to be effective. As someone who studies how people can build important skills, I’ve spent years learning about what makes a leader successful in multicultural settings. Cultural agility is the ability to work comfortably and effectively with people from different cultures, and it’s a key skill for leaders. You can learn more about how to build cultural agility through the online development tool offered by Skiilify called myGiide.

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Navigating Cultural Differences in International Teams
Paula Caligiuri Paula Caligiuri

Navigating Cultural Differences in International Teams

In today's connected world, it's important to handle cultural differences in international teams. Companies need these diverse teams to innovate, solve problems, and enter new markets. But if cultural differences are not managed well, they can cause misunderstandings and conflicts. I'll share strategies developed through my research for building effective international teams and explain how Skiilify’s online tool, myGiide, can help teams handle cultural differences.

Cultural agility is being able to work effectively in different cultural settings. It means being open-minded, adaptable, and ready to learn from others. People with high cultural agility can easily manage cross-cultural interactions and build strong teams. You can develop cultural agility by understanding different cultural values and building certain skills.

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