Build Your Cultural Agility (most popular)
Only about 30% of professionals have cultural agility, the ability to interact comfortably and effectively with the people from different cultures (national, generational, professional, etc.), whether virtually or in person. In this keynote, participants will understand the most critical competencies of culturally agile professionals and learn tips for how to develop each. This course will also cover how some verbal and nonverbal communications are interpreted differently through diverse lenses.
Communicating Across Cultures
Are you being understood the way you intend? What are the top 5 pitfalls and tips for success in communicating across cultures? In this session you will learn tips and best practices for communicating with people from different cultures. We will discuss how verbal and nonverbal communications are interpreted through diverse lenses and how unintended consequences can affect your professional success.
Leading Multicultural Teams
Is your multicultural team as productive and cohesive as it can be? Multicultural teams can increase innovation and performance provided they have harnessed their collective trust. In this session we will discuss five key strategies for building trust when team members are of different cultures, generations, functional areas, etc. We will begin with the ways to create a foundation for trust and then discuss how to foster relationships, use technology mindfully, create a sense of community, and communicate effectively.
Projecting Executive Presence through Cross-Cultural Lenses
Do you have executive presence? That’s a trick question because executive presence can only be judged by those around you – it is not something you believe about yourself. To be perceived as having executive presence in a multicultural environment, you will need to vary your behaviors to fit others’ subjective judgements. In this session, we will share tips and suggestions to ensure you project leadership in every cross-cultural situation – while staying true to yourself.
Customer Service Approaches Across Cultures
Every business stives for excellence in customer service. At the same time, however, most companies do not realize that the way to provide customer service is not universal. Is the customer a partner, an equal, a temporary “friend”? In this session we explore adaptations we could make to better reach and serve our global customers, and what we can learn from different cultural approaches to achieve excellence in serving our customers at home.
Selling with Cultural Agility
Do you know how culture affects sales interactions with culturally diverse clients? In this session, you will learn how to identify personal cultural preferences and identify gaps which can affect sales success. We will discuss the importance of understanding the role of hierarchy/status, relationship-orientation, and collectivism in building trust and rapport with culturally diverse clients.